The $2 student representation fee is used by the Associated Students of Citrus College and the Student Senate of California Community Colleges to advocate and lobby for legislative issues that affect and benefit community colleges and community college students both at the state and federal level.
A student may refuse to pay this fee by completing and submit the
student representation fee waiver online form each semester, prior to paying for classes and completing the registration process. Please do this early. It may take up to three full business days for the fee to be waived. This fee is non-refundable.
How will the student representation fee be used?
The $2 student representation fee is regulated by the California Education Code 76060.5. Funds may be utilized for any of the following:
- travel expenses for lobbying and/or advocacy of students
- leadership and advocacy training, awareness and information
- attendance at conferences and meetings of student-centered, non-partisan organizations
- advertisements consisting of information about legislative issues of interest to the student body at large
- purchasing of equipment and supplies used for lobbying and/or advocacy such as computers, printers, faxes, modems, software, postage, and accessories
- subscriptions to newsletters and/or magazines of higher education
- hosting non-partisan conferences or meetings on legislative issues
For information on current student issues
American Student Association of Community Colleges
California Legislative Information
Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC)
Voter Education