Take an active role in the decisions that affect the entire student body at Citrus College. Make new friends. Explore and develop your leadership skills. Be responsible for a budget in excess of $450,000.
Citrus College's student government program is acknowledged as one of the state's best. Leadership opportunities exist in elected and appointed officer positions. Some of the elected positions include: student trustee, president, vice president, legislative liaison and senators. The appointed positions are treasurer, commissioner of public relations, commissioner of activities, commissioner of athletics, commissioner of inter-club relations, and commissioners-at-large.
Several opportunities are available for both elected and appointed positions. The
Associated Students of Citrus College's Executive Board meets every other Tuesday at 2:40 p.m. For location information, email
The main priority for the Associated Students of Citrus College's Executive Board is advocacy for student needs on all campus committees, as well as at the state level.
If you have any questions about student government, you may contact an executive board member or the student life and leadership development office at (626) 852-6444 or via email