Academic and Progress Probation
If you are on academic probation or progress probation, it is important to take the necessary steps to improve your status with the college as soon as possible. Being placed on probation status can impact your eligibility to take classes at Citrus College, as well as your financial aid eligibility. Probation status can lead to dismissal and complicate plans for graduation and transfer. If you are on probation, it is recommended you meet with a counselor to discuss your options to improve your academic standing.
A student is placed on academic probation when the student has:
- attempted at least 12 units
- earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below 2.00
A student is placed on progress probation when the student has:
- enrolled in a total of at least 12 units
- recorded grades of "W," "I," "NC" and "NP" reaches or exceeds fifty percent out of the cumulative percentage of all units in which the student has enrolled
Probation Workshops
Students on probation can complete a
self-paced online probation workshop or meet with a counselor to discuss strategies for academic success and plan for future semesters.
Please call the Counseling and Advisement Center to schedule an appointment, (626) 914-8530.
A student who is on academic probation for three consecutive semesters and whose semester grade point average for both semesters is less than 2.0 shall be subject to dismissal.
A student who is on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if fifty percent or more of the cumulative units recorded in each of the two consecutive semesters have an entry of "W," "I" and "NP." Military withdrawals (MW) are not included in the progress probation calculation.
A student who is dismissed may request an appeal of dismissal during the designated timeframe in the fall semester.
The student will be required to participate in a prescribed counseling intervention, which may include a maximum number of units the student may enroll as determined by the counselor.
After not being enrolled for one fall or spring semester, a dismissed student may request reinstatement through the Counseling and Advisement Center using
this online Petition for Reinstatement from Dismissal form.
If approved, the student will be required to participate in a prescribed counseling intervention, which may include a maximum number of units the student may enroll as determined by the counselor.
Please contact the Counseling and Advisement Center Short-Stop at (626) 852-8014 for assistance with scheduling an appointment with a counselor or for any questions.