Social media can both help you and hurt you in your networking and job searching process. When beginning the job searching and networking process, the first step is to examine your social media profiles and begin to remove any content you may not want a potential employer to see.
"Social recruiting is becoming a key part of HR departments – three in 10 employers (30 percent) have someone dedicated to the task. When researching candidates for a job, employers who use social networking sites are looking for information that supports their qualifications for the job (61%), if the candidate has a professional online persona (50%), what other people are posting about the candidate (37%) and for a reason not to hire a candidate (24%)."
Employers are not only looking at social media, 69% of employers use search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to research potential candidates, a 10% increase from last year.
"Learn from those before you – more than half of employers (54%) have found content on social media that caused them not to hire a candidate for an open role. ( 2017)
Start by typing your name into a search engine and find out what employers will see if they do the same.
Social media sites can also help you in your networking and job search. Follow organizations and industries that you are interested in. Post articles and thoughts related to your industry of interest.
The Muse highlights
10 Essential Tips for Using Social Media to Help Your Career, Not Hurt It.
The most widely used social media website for networking and job searching is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business and employment-oriented social networking service. It is used for professional networking, including employers posting jobs and job seekers posting their resume. Even if you do not have work experience, create an account profile and begin building your network. Connect with classmates, professors, friends, and co-workers. LinkedIn can help you maintain contact with people after you transfer, graduate and when you change jobs.
LinkedIn Guides
Creating Your Profile
Using LinkedIn to find a Job or Internship
LinkedIn Blog
Schedule an appointment with a career counselor to review your LinkedIn profile or help you get started in creating one.
Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, Twitter, and others
Other social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, can also be used for networking and building your personal brand. If you plan to use these platforms for networking, you want to ensure your profile and postings are professional and employer friendly. Refer to
The Muse's article on the do's and don'ts for professionals to help you navigate your online presence.
Your Web Presence
View the video about your online presence from Candid Career.
Career-Focused Profiles to Follow on Instagram
Bossed Up
Career Contessa @careercontessa
Citrus Career/Transfer Center
Fast Company
Harvard Business Review
Inc. Magazine
Career-Focused TikTok Hashtags