Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
A SLO is the "measurable skills, abilities, competencies, knowledge, or values that students should be able to demonstrate as the result of completing an educational experience" (ACCJC Accreditation Handbook 2024). This encompasses experiences that include, but are not limited to, those found within a course, a program of study, a degree or certificate program, or services offered by the college. Citrus College defines student learning outcomes for courses, programs, certificates and degrees, student services, academic support, and appropriate administrative support services. Measurable skills, abilities, competencies, knowledge, or values that students should be able to demonstrate as the result of completing an educational experience.
SLO Assessment (SLOA)
SLOs give us the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of instruction on campus. Making improvements to instruction via assessment, reflection, and analysis enhances student learning and success.
Citrus College Process for SLOA
To facilitate meaningful Student Learning Outcome Assessment (SLOA), the college approaches SLOA as an ongoing synchronous and asynchronous dialogue between program faculty.
Each year as a college, we focus on assessing course-level SLOs in two of the seven defined competency areas for SLOs, allowing us to regularly review all course SLOs. Having faculty across campus focused each year on the same competencies provides the opportunity for meaningful dialogue around the teaching and assessment of each core competency.
Faculty document dialogue regarding outcomes assessment on an online discussion board set up for their program or programs (smaller programs may elect to collaborate on SLOA in order to generate a more robust dialogue). Synchronous dialogue from division and/or program meetings, Convocation and Flex Day are reported out on the program discussion boards. These online discussion boards also provide a space for faculty to asynchronously contribute to discussions outside of meetings.
The discussion board approach to documenting SLOA is designed to allow faculty to have broad and inclusive discussions regarding outcome methodologies and strategies, as well as providing a forum for documentation of successful pedagogy and areas for improvement. The process is meant to be as collaborative as possible by allowing for synchronous and asynchronous contributions from all faculty, including adjunct faculty who may not be present at synchronous meetings.
SLOA and Program Review
Assessment of student learning is integral to the program review process at Citrus College. Every year at Convocation, faculty reflect on SLOA program dialogue from the previous year before completing the Program Review Annual Update and Resource Requests, ensuring that any concerns raised by these assessments can be used to define goals and request appropriate resources.