Located in the
Adapted Physical Education Center (AP 109 and AP 110), the class offers an open gym atmosphere with exercise machines that have been modified to accommodate various types of disabilities.
In addition, your progress is monitored on an individual basis, checking blood pressure, if needed, as well as your strength, endurance and flexibility.
In the Adapted Physical Education Center, equipment includes:
- treadmills
- flexacisers
- stationary and recumbent bicycles
- arm ergometers
- stand aids
For the student with physical limitations, the adapted physical education program offers the student the opportunity to participate in a college exercise and health-related physical fitness program. Adapted courses in cardiovascular training, weight training, and aquatic exercises are offered.
Cover Letter for Medical Release Form and
Medical Release of Information documents must be on file at Citrus College prior to exercising in the adapted physical education classes.
A licensed or certified professional must be legally qualified to diagnose the disability in question. This includes M.D. (for most medical disabilities), audiologist (hearing), D.C. (back related disabilities), etc.
The California Education Administrative Code Title V identifies the physical disabilities, communication disabilities, learning disabilities, acquired brain injury and the developmentally delayed learner for funding purposes. You may refer to Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 7, Subchapter 1, §56000, of the California Code of Regulations for more detailed information.
If you would like more information about our specialized kinesiology classes, please call adapted physical education at (626) 914-8685 or (626) 852-6464 or e-mail Cheryl Swatek at
If you would like to enroll in adapted physical education KIN 150 more than one time, the
Course Repetition Petition is required.