Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility+
Get involved. We want to hear from you!
All members of the Citrus College community are encouraged to become involved in learning about and developing an environment of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. You are invited to share ideas, engage in events, and participate in projects. Your perspectives, knowledge, and ideas will help lead to an improved college culture of equity, diversity and inclusion.
Share your comments via this link.
Projects and Activities
- Accessibility Task Force: convene regular meetings for the accessibility task force; the task force will assess and report findings to the DEIA+ Committee
- DEIA+ Newsletter: create a monthly communication highlighting office updates and spotlighting selected training opportunities from the Vision Resource Center specific to managers/supervisors/confidentials, staff, and faculty
- Employee Recognition: develop and establish processes and activities to acknowledge outstanding staff members
- One Book, One College: introduce employees to a school-wide book pertaining to technology and innovation
Accessibility Series: hands-on workshops (six) educating employees on the basics of accessible documents, providing space and time for attendees to convert their own existing materials into accessible, ADA-compliant files
Accessibility Task Force: The DEIA+ Committee developed and proposed a task force to assess and provide recommendations to the diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility + committee for accessibility efforts moving forward.
Black Faculty and Staff Association: established the first employee resource group and hosted a campus event for Black History month
Campus Tours: facilitated tours during the start of semester to introduce new and long-time employees to the student centers across campus and the resources provided to unique student populations
DEIA+ Committee: identified the professional learning faculty coordinator as co-chair for the committee
Employee Resource Groups: began identifying staff for leadership roles in employee resource groups
Employment Application: in conjunction with human resources, updated information listed on the college's job search website to include a "call to action," the college's commitment to DEIA+, student and employee demographics, specialized services and programs, noncredit education, and the college's core values
Equal Employment: partnered with human resources to revise administrative procedure AP 7100 Equal Employment Opportunity and board policy BP 7101 Nondiscrimination (currently moving through the shared governance process for review)
Equidox: collaborated with technology and computer services (TeCS) to procure the online remediation tool, Equidox, for college-wide staff access
Hiring Process: in conjunction with human resources, developed sample action-based hiring interview questions, accounting for transferable skills, and categorized by skill set
Research and Data: conducted student and employee interviews
Speaker Series: hosted guest speakers to present a variety of lectures on cultural identities and allyships for Black, Latinx, Asian American, LGBTQ+, and formerly incarcerated student populations
Student Discussion Groups: analyzed collected data from previously facilitated student discussion groups, in tandem with the office of institutional research, planning and effectiveness
Vision Resource Center: identified the Vision Resource Center as the central hub to track employee training, giving employees access to systemwide professional growth opportunities, which includes diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility topics
last updated November 5, 2024
Campus Equity Walks: employees voluntarily participated in two campus tours to identify areas which can be more "inclusive," focusing on accessibility and signage/messaging
Data and Donuts: four sessions where in-person and Zoom attendees reviewed DEI survey reports from students and employees
DEIA: identified needs for DEIA+ and professional learning
"Do the Work": launched cultural competency cohorts facilitated by Nickawanna Shaw, former dean of language arts and library
DSPS: collaborated with disabled student programs and services to identify accessibility needs for the college
Employee Resource Groups: identified funding for rollout and implementation of employee resource groups including Asian-Pacific Islanders, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, LGBTQ+, military, Southwest Asian/North African, and disabled employee populations
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Plan: in conjunction with human resources, worked on drafting an EEO plan with an emphasis on DEIA+ efforts/practices, utilizing a new template from the Chancellor's Office and disaggregated employee data
Equitable Hiring Practices: Thirty members from various constituency groups attended regular training through the USC Race and Equity Center Hiring Institute to learn more about equitable hiring practices. They developed recommendations that were submitted to human resources for consideration and implementation.
Human Resources: partnered with human resources to update minimum qualifications related to serving a diverse academic population, with DEIA questions included in all interview panels
Land Acknowledgement: developed the college's land acknowledgement
Mobile App: updated to include locations for commonly used services and resources on campus and locations for all-gender restrooms, water refill stations, hygiene products, and lactation stations
Professional Learning: integrated a redesigned professional learning program that reports to the DEIA+ office
Racial Climate Survey: partnered with institutional research, planning and effectiveness to distribute the USC Race and Equity Center's National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates Survey
Secretary: hired a full-time administrative secretary II for the DEIA+ office
Student Discussion Groups: worked in conjunction with IRPE and SEAP to form and conduct student groups, addressing the needs/concerns of disproportionately-impacted student populations, including developing a training for facilitators to lead discussions/collect data; five focus groups were completed with additional outreach being conducted in the coming year
Website: established a DEIA+ website
Accessibility: began providing closed captioning for videos posted on Citrus College social media accounts
CCCApply: updated and expanded the "Needs and Interest" question to better connect new students with specialized services and programs that meet their needs (i.e. Black Scholars, Guardian Scholars, Men of Color, Pride Center, Rising Scholars, etc.)
DEIA+ Committee: formed the college's DEIA+ Committee (a standing committee of Steering), and created a committee website
Director: hired the DEI director
Gender: added legal gender nonbinary (X) to all internal benefit documents in places where gender is requested; expanded the "Legal Information Change" form to allow students to update/correct student files to reflect their legal gender to female, male, or non-binary
Grade Books/Rosters: updated to automatically reflect a students' chosen names
Graduation Application/Diplomas: revised the application and process to include students' chosen names
Rising Scholars: awarded grant to assist with planning and implementing services specifically for incarcerated or formerly incarcerated students
Surveys and Assessments: collected DEI student and employee surveys, and developed/finalized the first collegewide survey to assess DEI
Video: posted short video showing students how to add or change their chosen/affirmed/preferred name on their account
Zendesk: created article to inform students how to add or change their chosen/affirmed/preferred name on their account
Director: created the director of DEI job description and approved by the board of trustees
Equity: graphic developed to illustrate the definition of "equity"
Gap Analysis: comprehensive review of major college plans, board policies, and administrative procedures
Language: developed language for how the college defines diversity, equity and inclusion
Commitment: Citrus College Administration established and supported their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion
DEI Task Force: formed the task force and its website
last updated November 5, 2024