Accordion Content

The following is based on recommendations from the Los Angeles County Department of Health, the California Department of Public Health, and Cal/OSHA.

Employees and students who test positive or have been otherwise diagnosed as being infected with COVID-19 (COVID-19 case) must isolate and remain off campus.

An employee or student may end their isolation and return to work, classes, or other campus activities once they have been fever-free (less than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least twenty-four (24) hours and their symptoms, if present, are improving.

A negative COVID-19 test is not required as a condition for ending isolation.

Regardless of the isolation period, an employee or student should wear an appropriate face covering (mask) while indoors in any district building for ten (10) days from the date symptoms began or from the date of a positive COVID-19 test, whichever is earlier.

Updated August 8, 2024


The following is based on recommendations from the Los Angeles County Department of Health, the California Department of Public Health, and Cal/OSHA.

Close contacts do not need to stay away from on-campus classes/activities.

Any student or employee who has received notice that they have been a close contact with a COVID-19 case should:

  1. take a COVID-19 test three to five days from the date of exposure (see antigen test tab above)
  2. wear an appropriate face covering (mask) for a period of ten days from the date of exposure
  3. monitor for any COVID-19 related symptoms.

Updated May 2, 2023

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