The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is a standing committee of the Citrus College Steering Committee. The purpose of IEC is to review and make recommendations on matters regarding institutional effectiveness, i.e. the review and assessment of the integrated planning process. The committee is charged with advancing the college mission by promoting an ongoing, collegial, self-reflective dialogue leading to data-driven decision-making. The committee engages in the design and implementation of assessment tools that evaluate and improve institutional effectiveness. Also, the committee oversees functions and responsibilities related to ACCJC Standard Institutional Effectiveness.
General Responsibilities
- Contribute to and participate in accreditation-related activities, such as the ACCJC annual report and institution-set standards. (ACCJC Standard 1.2)
- In support of the Program Review Committee, continue to conduct assessment of program review and student learning outcome processes in all four areas (academic support, institutional support, instruction, and student services) in order to assess and improve collegewide engagement in institutional planning. (1.4, 2.9)
- Annually review the highlights of the Strategic Plan, Educational and Facilities Master Plan (EFMP), Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, Technology Plan, Sustainability Plan, and Human Resources Plan.
- Every other year, review and update the Integrated Planning Manual.
- Ensure that the college conducts a cyclical review of the mission statement according to the Integrated Planning Manual. (1.1)
- Contribute to data analysis and development and implementation of assessment tools in support of student success and eliminating opportunity or equity gaps, aligned with college and state student success and equity efforts (1.3)
- Discuss other relevant topics pertaining to institutional effectiveness as needed.
Specific 2024/2025 Responsibilities
- Integrated Planning Manual review and update
- Continue the review and discussion of the new ACCJC standards (standards 3 and 4) to support ongoing accreditation efforts
Frequency of Meetings
Monthly, during primary terms
Day/Time of Meetings
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. following the last Steering Committee meeting of the month
Committee Membership
The number of members (19) is recommended by IRPC and approved by the Steering Committee. Representatives from constituent groups are selected by those groups:
Academic Senate
Approved by IEC on September 23, 2024