As a member of the dental health team, dental assistants could seek employment in any of the following: private practice, general or specialty practice, clinic, and public health department or hospital clinics. The dental field also offers other opportunities for growth and advancement. These include RDAEF, dental hygiene, dental lab technician, dental school, insurance companies, dental supply companies or teaching.
For more information about jobs in this field, go to
U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook. For more information about salaries, visit the
U.S. Department of Labor or the
California Employment Development Department Labor Market Info.
Dental assistants (unlicensed) prepare patients for treatment, assist the doctor during treatment and may provide direct patient care as outlined in the
Dental Practice Act. Maintaining and sterilizing instruments, preparing treatment rooms, and preparing dental materials are just a few of the dental assistant's duties. In addition to those duties, RDA's (licensed) provide care to the patient including fabrication of temporary crowns, placement of orthodontic separators and arch wires.