The philosophy of the Citrus College ADN program supports and implements the mission statement of the College. The philosophy is based on the premise that students bring unique learning abilities, life experiences, goals, responsibilities and support systems to the educational experience. The program and faculty believe that a sound nursing education is built on concepts relating to the individual, health/illness, the environment, and nursing, which includes nursing education and teaching/learning. The purpose of the nursing program is to educate students for entry level registered nursing positions in a variety of multicultural health care settings within the community.
Beliefs about the Individual
Nursing faculty members recognize the individual as a holistic, unique and complex being who constantly responds to changing environments in physiological, psychological, social, cultural, developmental and spiritual domains. Individuals develop in identifiable stages throughout the life span, and interact within the context of family, community, and social environments. People possess dignity, self-worth and the inherent right to assume responsibility for the development of their own potential. In addition, individuals are entitled to information that allows them to make informed choices regarding their health care and to become active participants in decisions regarding their well-being. Individuals hold diverse values and beliefs and exist in different social and physical environments, all of which may have an impact on an individual’s state of health.
Beliefs about Health/Illness
The Citrus College faculty member believes that health is a changing state along a wellness-illness continuum, in which people are adapting to the internal and the external environment from birth until the end of life. Degrees of health or illness on the continuum may range from optimal wellness to illness and death. An individual’s ability to adapt to stressors in the internal or external environment will affect that person’s health status; and is affected by lifestyle behaviors and stressors. Illness occurs when the adaptive responses of the physiological and/or the psychological systems are actually or potentially impaired resulting in alterations in function. People can experience a lack of health due to a variety of conditions—some of which are acute and self-limiting; others may be long-term, chronic, or permanent. Each person has a personal perception of health, or lack of health, based on knowledge, beliefs, and previous experiences that will influence the choices regarding related health care interventions.
Beliefs about the Environment
The environment/society consists of all interactions, both internal and external, that possess the potential to define or delineate a person’s state of well-being. Both internal and external processes create conditions which require individuals to adapt. Within the community, there must be health services appropriate and available to provide quality care and maximize adaptation for clients, families, or groups with respect for age, lifestyle, and individual differences.
Beliefs about Nursing and Nursing Education
The Citrus College nursing faculty believes nursing is both an art and an applied science that brings together knowledge from the biological, natural and social sciences with the caring skills needed to assist clients to attain an optimal state of wellness. As vital members of the health care team, nurses provide direct, client-oriented care, patient teaching and advocacy, and leadership and management for the client, family, or group, which are guided by professional standards and ethics. The practice of nursing responds to the individualized health care needs of the client. As an evidence-based discipline, nursing requires the use of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills in the application of the nursing process to assist clients to promote, maintain, and/or restore wellness and prevent disease or to support the client to experience dignity in death. Within the framework of the nursing process, nurses apply skills of critical thinking and problem solving to decision-making processes that render accurate and effective clinical judgments. This level of knowledge and performance requires proficiency in analytical and communication skills, which allow nurses to function effectively as members of a multidisciplinary team in a variety of health care settings within the community. The role of the associate degree graduate is that of provider of care, manager of care and member within the profession of nursing.
Nursing education occurs at various levels within institutions of higher education and involves the students, instructor, and educational environment in an interactive process. Associate degree nursing education represents the entry level of professional nursing.
Beliefs about the Learner
Each learner is recognized as having unique experiences and background. Faculty members are alert and sensitive to individual differences due to gender, ethnicity, cultural background, goals, and learning styles. Support services, including counseling, financial aid, and a wide variety of learning resources are an integral part of the system available to accommodate the individual needs and requirements of students. It is also recognized that as adult learners, students have commitments outside the educational program that warrant adaptation of instructional methods, assignments, and scheduling. The student is considered an active and accountable participant in both the educational experience and the evaluation of the experience.
Beliefs about Faculty Responsibilities
Faculty members function as motivators, coaches, facilitators, resource persons and role models in the learning process by providing direction for necessary changes in the learner’s perception and behavior.
Faculty members promote a learning environment that provides students with opportunities to experience interactive, theoretical and hands-on learning that will allow them to explain, integrate, and interrelate knowledge in preparation for competent nursing practice. Capitalizing on the unique characteristics of each student, faculty assist students to increase control over their own growth, motivating them toward life-long learning. Faculty members are responsible and accountable for planning and implementing the curriculum, planning the learning experiences, organizing and presenting information in a meaningful and efficient manner, and supervising and evaluating learning outcomes.
The teaching/learning experience is guided by principles of adult education. Learning experiences progress from simple to complex building upon prerequisite knowledge by expanding and adding elements to the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning domains. The additional elements provide depth and integration of data, which makes decision-making possible and viable for the registered nurse.
Revised/Approved: 03/30/2022